Any Point in Upgrading Gear Past 10 Remnant From the Ashes UPDATED

Any Point in Upgrading Gear Past 10 Remnant From the Ashes

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  1. truba123



    How To Install: Go to AppData/Local/Remnant/Saved/SaveGames binder. Cutting all your onetime files out somewhere for afterward use if y'all wish so or just delete all the files in there and so paste all of my files into the SaveGames folder. That's it. YOU PROBABLY Need TO Take SWAMPS OF CORSUS DLC INSTALLED IF Y'all ARE USING THE OLDEST TWO FILES! AND BOTH SOC & SUBJECT 2923 IF YOU ARE USING THE NEWEST 3 FILES!

    1. RazzeOfficial



      dosent work for me, i have both over xbox gamepass. ihve made every footstep correctly. nothing changes

    2. truba123



      Must exist a bug or something. Practise they even allow games to be altered/modded/etc when played via game pass? Did you endeavour disabling steam/epic cloud save for remnant? Maybe try starting upwards the game without whatsoever save game files and so paste mine in there and re-launch information technology.
      Tbh I've no idea. Maybe information technology's just game/game store spazzing out, maybe some weird new glitch from latest update, maybe an former problems that goes abroad afterward u endeavour it once more a few times. I wish I could help you just I assure you lot the saves are perfectly clean and they work both for me and couple of friends that tried it themselves recently. I deleted my saves and pasted in the latest ones I uploaded here just now and it worked fine.
      I suggest simply trying it once again a few times. Game has some weird bugs so stuff like this can happen. Let me know if u manage to make it work.
      If not I volition upload my current saves. Which should be nigh aforementioned as the latest saves here. Same version, all DLCs. But I could practice it just in instance the game updated without steam/epic really issuing and update. Although I don't think remnant tin practice that.
      p.south. u r on pc, right? these r pc saves.
      p.p.s. when u open the zipped folder inside is my savegames folder. u take to go inside information technology and copy or cut all the files so paste it inside appdata-local-remnat-saved-savegames. i don't think u tin can just re-create my savegames binder and paste it inside yours but u'd prolly accept to copy the individual files then paste them inside your empty savegames folder but I gauge anybody knows that.

    3. Kazzuka



      Heya im having the same problems.
      curt assay
      showtime of all for any reason theres suddenly simply the Steam autocloud file in my savedgames folder (that wasnt the case viii months agone when i last played it and also shared my game files with friends)
      now when i paste your files into the folder, which previously only had that one file in it anyways, nothing happens.
      the files are there everything looks the way it should look but when i outset the game ill but accept my normal characters null new at all

      my guess is that they stock-still information technology somehow and now only utilize cloud based files or smth i dunno

      Ps: i did try disabling steamcloud and or deleting the autocloud file and starting the game with just the "new" files. But with no changes

    4. truba123



      Thank you for info. It must be something to do with the new update. I'll have ask few of people that play the game on my friends list on steam to try it if they are willing and check out around on discord to see what the heck is up with that.

  2. truba123



    What DLC You Need To Use The (newest) Save / what DLC content the save has:

    Swamps of Corsus: Yes

    Subject 2923: Aye

    Note: The two oldest saves Only need SoC dlc (no s2923 dlc needed)

  3. truba123



    How To Install: Become to AppData/Local/Remnant/Saved/SaveGames folder. Cut all your onetime files out somewhere for afterward use if you wish then or but delete all the files in there then paste all of my files into the SaveGames folder. That's information technology. You probably need DLCs for information technology to piece of work (SoC for older files and Both DLCs for newer files). Note: Only the latest file is actually 100% (older ones are missing some stuff due to erstwhile bugs and such).

    Very simplified version of installation instructions:

    i: Download my save files and save it somewhere.
    2: Go to AppData/Local/Remnant/Saved/SaveGames.
    3: Inside SaveGames folder are your salve files. Yous can delete them all if you don't demand them or cut them all and paste somewhere else if you ever wish to swap back to them.
    4: Make certain your SaveGames binder is empty now.
    5: Now open the zipped folder of mine that you've downloaded.
    six: Within will be a folder chosen SaveGames.
    7: Go within that folder and you will see a dozen or and so files. Those are my salvage files. Copy them all.
    8: Subsequently you've copied all of my saves from my SaveGames folder that yous've downloaded go to AppData/Local/Remnant/Saved/SaveGames on your PC.
    9: Now only paste all of my files into your SaveGames folder.
    10: Launch the game and relish.

    (Delight Read These Notes) Notes:
    - Make sure you've copied all of individual files inside my SaveGames folder, not the folder itself but the files within it
    - Make sure your SaveGames folder was empty before you've pasted my relieve files within it
    - You can swamp between yours and my save files or any other merely afaik you tin't have both at same time
    - My older files only need SoC DLC but my newer files need Both DLCs
    - My save files are from PC Steam version of game
    - Only the latest file actually has all items
    - I never used any hacks or mods so if it isn't working information technology must exist a bug or yous're missing DLC(s) or something else since it works fine for me and my friends every bit I am writing this
     - If information technology somehow does not work endeavour the following (simple stupid suggestions that prolly won't actually fix information technology only are worth a shot):
       - make sure your game is upwards to date
       - check you've "installed" the files correctly
       - brand sure you have the proper dlc(s)
       - verify game files via steam/epic so try over again
       - turn the deject save for the game off
       - try doing it in both offline and online mode
       - endeavour maybe launching the game once after y'all've emptied your SaveGames folder and and then placing my save files within and relaunching it
       - Attempt running both Steam and Epic at same fourth dimension
       - check if information technology works at all past copying your saves, then using some consumables and and then pasting those saves y'all've copied before using the consumables and and then encounter in the game if they are used or not which should tell yous if information technology works at all
        - again, it'south most likely just a random bug/glitch and should work later you've tried it a time or ii again merely it'due south worth to mayhap endeavor some of these steps above if it doesn't work time after time again.
             -  deplorable I could not be of much help just I really don't know what to say. it works fine for me, i just checked, it should piece of work fine for everyone else equally it has before and if it does not then it must be some weird issues that should get away afterwards few tries or something weird like cloud save feature messing it up or something else idk.

  4. truba123



    Hey people. Remember to dorsum up your saves often. Game has a bug where information technology can delete your saves. Not to mention there's a chance you lot bring together or are joined in by a cheater who can pass the modification onto your save file too. There's too a groovy Remnant Saves Director programme that tin can do it for you automatically (and has world analyzer too). Save files are located in AppData/Local/Remnant/Saved/SaveGames.

  5. EFallie



    i managed to get it to work just i had to make certain that i manually went the user/appdata/local route rather than trying to go directly to where steam took me when i tried to browse the local from there. When i did it the steam fashion null changed at all. Also for those who use windows xi your appdata folder might not be visible at all unless you make it visible in file explorer which was some other pain i was not enlightened of.

  6. truba123



    Edit: GamePass games don't allow you to alter files via normal means. Which means if you lot own a game via gamepass you tin't install mods, save files, cheats, etc... Or at least non without some technical knowledge and tweaking. Which I do not posses. So... If you own the game via gamepass and desire to use this salve y'all might take to mess around with save files a fleck. How? I do not know unfortunately only I'm certain in that location's people here in comments, on remnant discord, reddit or youtube who might know how.

    Latest save is same every bit previous one only taken from a newer version of the game in instance some people tin can't use older game version saves anymore.

    If it nevertheless won't work trying verifying game files. empty SaveGames folder (cut out your saves somewhere else if you want). launch game once without any saves to overwrite cloud. after endmost game go completely offline. so paste my saves in and launch game whilst offline. if it works or even if it doesn't endeavor it once once more merely this time whilst online. if asked if you want to let cloud manage your files say no or choose machine/pc files. if after all that it nonetheless doesn't piece of work I gauge reinstalling might aid but idk.

    Remember that you can not modify any game files if you own the game via game pass. So no modding or salve files for you unfortunately. That'southward just how game passes work I guess.

    p.s. I as well left it with a really nice team healer build (dragon hearts heal just 25% but all impairment, bleed and heal you lot do is shared with whole team if they aren't really really far abroad)

  7. MolochBaalam



    ive been trying to use checksum logroller to change the char to male person, tin can anyone aid me out? maybe attatch a file 100% with a male char?

    1. truba123



      Sorry. Merely accept that 1 female redhead 100%ed character. Actually all my Remnant character are female person cuz I'd rather expect at a girl'south barrel and hear girl moan when hit than a guy. If it was a story sp rpg similar witcher three or something I'd choose male cuz everything would relate to me amend story and globe wise because protagonist is also male person plus information technology'd exist more than immersive but hither where combat is focus and story is more than or less just there to exist imo idc if I get female char.

      I've heard before that you can edit characters' appearence after alrdy finishing it simply I forgot where I've read information technology nor I e'er tried it. I do call up though that someone might've said that irresolute gender is bit more complicated than simply irresolute hair color or something.
      Endeavour asking on Remnant's reddit or discord maybe. Sorry I couldn't help you.

  8. Austinw11671



    I call back ur save file is outdated I can use other ones but every fourth dimension I attempt to use yours it says I need to update my game please fix if y'all can

    1. truba123



      I'll update information technology with the latest version of save at that place is in a moment. Hopefully information technology helps.
      p.south. if u own the game via game pass I think you tin can't modify it's files so no mods or saves. information technology's a shame but it seems that's how game pass works.
      p.p.s. try verifying your game files perchance in case you played with a hacker that altered your own game'southward files.

  9. giannaras666

    1. truba123



      what do y'all mean world save?
      there are merely character saves and globe/adventure are what that character has rolled last.
      each file has multiple characters but only one is with all items.
      (older files are 100%-ed characters for older versions of game without subject area 2923 dlc).
      (simply last one is truly all items).
      you get one grapheme with all items and everything upgraded to highest levels.
      (u can delete other one'southward that only accept few hours of playtime).
      unfortunately you can non use both these saves and yours, or someone else's, at same fourth dimension.

  10. truba123

  11. morganryan90

    1. morganryan90

    2. truba123

  12. truba123

  13. jenolai111

    1. truba123



      Glad to help! I highly recommend playing game normally. It'due south a lot of fun but some people don't similar to grind to go every particular and so this potentially saves those folks some 500 hours of grinding (unless they employ SaveManager/WorldAnalyzer). Promise y'all enjoy! It's a really great and underrated game

  14. Sablicious1

    1. truba123

  15. yolonault

    1. truba123



      They are simply a couple of freshly made characters I used to play with couple of my friends who were just starting out. If I used my 100% graphic symbol I would've been too OP to play with them and so I made new characters so we are both evenly powerful. Nigh of them have skilful teamwork support items like mender's charm (heal with dragon hearts), hero's band (much better revive abilities), elder's armour set (25% chance non to consume dragon middle when using them and harm boost too whole squad after yous utilise ane). And so, in short, just some fresh characters with whom I ran adventure a few times at gear level one to grab those back up items and so I can meliorate assistance my newcomer friends.
      100% grapheme 1 shots everything on normal and hard and can't be killed (xx/max gear level, all traits, is only counterbalanced for nightmare and apocalypse) whilst new actor's characters bargain no damage on nightmare and apocalypse and die in one hit (due to low gear & trait level) so they should only play on normal or hard which is fashion likewise piece of cake for loftier/max gear & trait level characters like my 100%ed i.
      So, yea, experience free to delete them or play with them. They aren't 100%ed (simply i is). But if you want to play with a friend who just bought the game and you already leveled your main character a lot then whatsoever of those other profiles might come in handy actually since they are all gear level 1/2 and they all have those iii first-class back up items (dragon hearts heal amulet, revive boost band, dmg boost to team+upward to 25% more than dragon hearts  armour).
      At that place should however exist one complimentary slot to make a new character I think or maybe I used that ane too. I think 1 of them may be a hardcore character (one life mode). I can't remember correctly tho. So aye...;
      TL,DR: Only some low level chars to play with low level players since 100% char is to OP for lower level players & difficulties (all of them take 3 expert support items and are gear level 1 so they might be of use to you for what they were used by me). Experience free to delete them or use them to play with players who simply started out. They aren't important to anything rly. Just ane grapheme is 100%ed (you can see playtime on each char).

  16. Ulrichschuler1988



    Howdy, I tin't thank you enough, information technology worked well for me. After my contour was gone, that was my salvation.Of course, I wasn't every bit far as you were in your profile, but almost.Thank you alot

    1. truba123


Any Point in Upgrading Gear Past 10 Remnant From the Ashes UPDATED

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