How to Download a Minecraft Map on a Mac UPDATED Free

How to Download a Minecraft Map on a Mac

Minecraft Worlds generated by other players can be downloaded by the player and opened in their copy of the game. This guide will show how to play the worlds in either Java or Bedrock.

Download a earth [ ]


Be wary on what you download! Look for reputable sites such as the ones listed below and as always, Practise NOT DOWNLOAD from sketchy sites! Likewise, you lot should always browse a map download using your antivirus.

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Notation: TODO: Add more sites

Before anything else, download your called world with a web browser.
Some reputable sites to download Minecraft worlds are:

Instructions [ ]

Instructions on how to open up the file into minecraft.

Prerequisites [ ]

  • A file archiving programme, like 7zip.
    • This is optional if you just alter the extension to .mcworld in Bedrock
  • A re-create of the version y'all want to put the globe in

Bedrock Specific Instructions (Android/Fire Bone/iOS/Windows 10) (Recommended) [ ]

After y'all download a boulder map, you should already accept a file name with .mcworld in it, similar FILE_NAME_HERE.mcworld . It should also have a Minecraft icon in it. Just double click it and it volition automatically open up in Minecraft. You can hands rename bedrock .aught files to a .mcworld only by changing the extension. MCWORLD is just a special file extension optimized for Minecraft Bedrock.

So, instructions are:

  • Change the extension to .mcworld if it isn't already.
  • Double click the file.

If it didn't automatically open up, select Minecraft if asked. If information technology still doesn't work, follow the guide below.

Java & Bedrock Instructions [ ]

These instructions are compatible with both Java and Boulder and will guide yous to a step by step procedure of installing a world to Minecraft.

NOTE that you cannot open Bedrock worlds in Java and vice versa; you will need a converter to exercise that.

[ ]

This is necessary if y'all have a compressed file.

  1. Extract the compressed file.
  2. If you come across a file named level.dat, then you're good to go! Extract the nothing/rar to a folder (WORLD)
    1. If you tin only see a folder, open it. It might have the files. Extract that binder and rename information technology to a good name, like (Globe

Importing into Minecraft [ ]

Once you extracted it to a folder, follow these steps:

  1. Open the default directory for Minecraft folder.
    1. On Java Edition, the name of the folder is .minecraft. Below is a table showing the default directory for .minecraft.
Os Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft
    1. On Boulder Edition, the proper name of the folder is games/com.mojang. Beneath is a table listing these:
Platform Location
Windows (including mobile) %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang
Android and Burn OS For SD Card users:/SD_CARD_NAME_HERE/games/com.mojang
For Internal Storage:/storage/emulated/0/games/com.mojang
iOS Minecraft/games/com.mojang
  1. Open the saves[ Java Edition only ] or minecraftWorlds[ Bedrock Edition simply ] binder. You will observe all your worlds are here.
  2. Paste that folder into the mentioned folder.
  3. Open the new binder and check to make certain it has everything in it, all right nether WORLD.
  4. Once they're all there, launch the game, and continue below.

Find the folder in Minecraft [ ]

Hither's the hardest office: finding your new save in all your other saves.

  1. In one case Minecraft opens, click "Singleplayer" or "Play"
  2. The proper noun of the binder you copied will be the grayed out name under the world name (On Java).
  3. The new salve is ordinarily all the mode at the bottom, but that's non always the case. You might need to do some hunting.
  4. Once you found it, load it up and have fun! You may accept to dorsum up the world if information technology was saved in a different version of Minecraft.

Alternating Instructions [ ]

If you lot found the in a higher place instructions disruptive, hither is a simpler caption:

  1. Download the world file (usually in .zip or .rar) format
    1. If information technology is bedrock map, rename to .mcworld, then open in Minecraft
      1. If this doesn't piece of work, go on below
  2. Excerpt to a new folder (Globe)
  3. Notice the .minecraft or com.mojang folder
  4. Look for the saves or minecraftWorlds folder
  5. Copy-paste the (World) to that folder
  6. Open up Minecraft and find it in your selection of saved worlds

Tips [ ]

  • On Windows, you can printing Win+R to open the run dialog, then paste the Minecraft folder location in there.
  • You can besides drag and drop folders to the saves folder, which might save you time from copy-pasting.
  • On Bedrock, you might see jumbled letters in the binder names like fgEHfhgyEbdh. This is normal, and you can always rename them for piece of cake identification.
  • To admission map datapacks or resource packs, you can access them past copying the contents inside the map to the primary folders.

How to Download a Minecraft Map on a Mac UPDATED Free

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